Video of the Day

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Red Faction: Guerrilla review

A few months ago i bought the new Red Faction game. Having played its predicessor, i was looking forward to playing it, and after playing both the demo and the game itself, i have to say that it suppases my hopes on this game.

First off, i love the destructive nature to which you can enact out, like not only destroy the cars and people with high power weapons, but the ability to demolition buildings. More often than not, i would be destroying a building, weakening the walls with my trust sledgehammer before watching it collapse in front of me (or sometimes on top of me if i'm not fast enough lol!)

The second thing i like about this game is the long length time you can enjoy yourself with that simple feature of demolition a building while all the time, trying to keep the Red Faction a float with your actions against the tyrannical rulers of Mars.

The only problem i have was the weak story line, the game creators more or less focusing the main attenion on the game play rather than indulging more time on the plot.

Overall, i'd give this a 7/10 for what you can get from it.

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