Video of the Day

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Batman Arkham Ayslum review

Like the title says i recently bought the new Batman game for the 360 and i have to say that it is a superb game to have, one of the best this year.

The game starts off with Batman having arrested the Joker in one of his plots to destroy Gotham. Taking him to Arham Asylum, the Batman witnesses the Joker making his escape and releasing the mad the prisoners on Batman in his efforts to stop, destroy and annoy Batman from foiling his plan once again.

Having played this two times in a row (first on normal, then on hard level) i have to say i can't get enough of this game, with gadgets and lots of fighting techniques to dish out on the Joker's goons, and subsequently, the bosses along the way.

Voiced by Kevin Conroy from the 90s Batman animate series, Batman is truely brought to life in this game by this veteran voice actor. Also, voicing the Joker again is none other than Mark Hamill (aka Luke Skywalker) from the same Batman series, making the Joker sinister as ever in his evil plots.

Not wanting to go into much detail as into the plot of the story and who will be appearing but you will see glimpses of Batman being put through reigorist trials, not of just the body and mind, but also the soul as he must face his fears.

Overall, i rate this game a 10/10 stars for brilliance, cutting graphics, great game play, epic story line and actors. It is certainly a game i recommend getting if your into both solving things and puzzles set by the Riddler, and also fighting fighting men with machines guns at the same time.

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